Monday, January 4, 2016

How Important Is Holiness?

“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:14-16)

Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, men and women have struggled with sin.  There is a belief held among some Christians that a loving God who gave His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, will forgive us even if we knowingly choose to sin, as long as we confess the sins we commit.  But that isn’t quite how it works.  Sure, God will forgive our sins if we confess and repent, or turn away from them, but He also justly allows us to suffer the consequences of our sinful choices even when he forgives us for them.

Over the years I’ve heard many people complain that the rules God provided in the Bible are too restrictive.  They’re so negative, “Don’t do this and don’t do that.” But people do not realize that these rules were meant to protect from the inherent evil and dangers of living in a fallen world. His requirement that we be holy as He is holy were not made to irritate us, but to bring us to a place of peaceful, abundant living where our fellowship with Him is unrestricted by our sin.

Only by living in submission to His Word can we experience the joy and peace He promises us. Believe me when I say I know what I am talking about.  Even though I made a profession of faith at a young age, by the time I entered High school I began to drift away from God.  And for the next 18 years I tried to live life outside the limitations of his righteous laws.  I’m still suffering residual consequences from my sinful lifestyle.  My parents were so excited when I decided to follow my father’s footsteps into the Navy, and had great hope this would change my perspective on life. 

Does God really care about holiness?  Absolutely!  It was a number of years before I understood the agony behind Christ’s words on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)  For a brief moment, which to Christ must have seen like an eternity, His Father turned His face away from Him because of our sin.  He who knew no sin became sin for us and His Holy Father could not bear to look upon that sin! (2 Corinthians 5:21)

God loves you so much that He wants to spend eternity with you, but you cannot live in the fullness of all that God has for you if you are immersed in sin and living life on your terms. Eternity doesn’t start the day you go to heaven; it begins the moment you receive Christ as Savior!  So why would you want to do anything that would stand between you and the blessings of eternal life, especially on this earth?

It has taken quite some time for me to come to this realization for myself.  I read the Bible and was very active in my youth group during high school.  And then when I went into the Navy, I began to drift away from God and indulging in the things my new found “freedom” and adulthood allowed me to do.  I partied, saw movies that to this day have seared ungodly images into my mind.  After the military, I spend many years traveling through life without a nickel’s worth of an idea what I was doing and where I was going.  I was on a journey spanning three countries in search of peace, happiness, and contentment, but all I found were drugs, alcohol, and broken dreams.  I wandered from one town, from one drink, and from one relationship to the next.  Always wondering what was over the next hill, always seeking that next adventure.         

But each step I took into what appeared to be an exciting new adventure, quickly became misery and emptiness. 

I knew the truth, knew that God could see and was hurt by everything I did, yet I chose to put Him on the back burner while I exerted my rights as an individual.  As time went on, my behavior only deteriorated more, but God’s grace protected me from the full consequences of my sins, consequences which I deserved, because He knew that one day I would turn back to Him in complete surrender.  I didn’t escape without deep scars, however, and habits that I formed then always lurk in the background looking for an opportunity to resurface and ruin me for anything God might have for me to do.

I don’t know what pet sin you may be holding onto.  Perhaps it is a relationship that God disapproves of, or a tendency to eat or drink a little too much.  Or maybe you are prone to use profanity, thinking that a curse word or two here and there isn’t really that harmful.  What you do not realize is that every negative thing you say, every vile image you see with your eyes, and every seemingly innocent or playful gesture you make toward someone else’s spouse is a foothold you give the enemy; and a wedge is driven deeper and deeper between you and God. These are things we all struggle with, but God is quick to forgive, and to cleanse us from our sins if only we will confess and turn away from them, and walk in obedience to his Word. (1 John 1:9)

Take it from one who has been there and done that.  Drop your sin like a hot potato and run like crazy into the arms of Jesus.  He was tempted in every way just as we are, yet was without sin. He understands the pull of this world and He is waiting to pull you back into his arms and out of harm’s way.  With the power of His Holy Spirit living inside you, it is indeed possible to live fully surrendered and obedient to God’s Word.

It won’t be easy, but believe me — it will be exceedingly worth it!

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