Monday, February 13, 2017

Should Christians Tithe?

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21)

Out of all the biblical concepts talked about among Christians, tithing seems to make people uncomfortable the most.  Some pastors are even afraid to bring up the subject in front of their congregations.  Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing.  In some churches giving is over-emphasized.  Yet, tithing/giving is intended to be a joy and a blessing.  Sadly, that is sometimes not the case in the church today.

What could the church be able to do if every member was able to tithe consistently?  That’s a question that many churches are asking as they have started running into financial issues over the years. Part of the reason why tithing is down is because it isn’t seen as the Biblical command as it once was.

Here are just a few statistics on tithing in the today’s church:
1) Tithers make up only 10-25 percent of a normal congregation.
2) When surveyed, only 17% of Americans state that they regularly tithe.
3) 37% of people who attend church every week and identify themselves as Evangelical don’t give any money to their church.
4) 17% of American families have reduced the amount that they give to their local church in some way. 7% have dropped regular giving by 20% or more.
5) 97% of Christians who tithe make it a top financial priority to give to their local church.
6) People are more likely to practice tithing when they begin the practice in their teens or early twenties.

Money is an awkward conversation to have at church.  We expect the electric bill to be paid, craft supplies bought for the kids, and coffee served without often putting much thought into how it’s all paid for.  We all have our own budgets to worry about, but giving to God is an honor and a privilege when we have the right attitude. 

Have you ever found the perfect gift for someone?  Maybe a birthday or Christmas present that your friend or loved one just had to have.  Do you remember being so excited to give it to them, just because you knew how happy it would make them?  God wants us to give to him with the same kind of joy and fulfillment.

Giving is a demonstration of our commitment to the church, the hands and feet of Christ.  Pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers are obedient to the ministry to which God has called them, trusting in him to provide the necessary means to carry out the task.  At the same time, the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of believers to give generously and support the work that God is doing, and learning to trust God with their own finances.

As the apostle Paul says, we shouldn’t be giving because we feel like we have to or expecting something in return—what joy is there in that?  A heartless gift means nothing.  Your offerings, financially or otherwise, should always begin in your heart.  It’s a privilege to be a part of what God is doing and it’s exciting to know that some sacrifice on our part can bring about huge results for the kingdom of God. 

“Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Even "the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" (Acts 20:35), and that’s so true when you really believe in what you’re giving.  Giving is an act of worship and service to God that brings glory to his name.  Let’s give cheerfully, knowing that our generosity is used to bless others who are in need.

This is a very delicate subject and has the power to split churches down the middle.  But the Church could really do some wonderful things if we just started tithing consistently.  Keep in mind when you start tithing that there is a difference between the law of tithing and the grace to tithe.  The full power of tithing is found in grace and not in fear, it's something we get to do rather than something we have to do.

Many, if not most churches, struggle with finances.  Some struggle because they simply don’t challenge and equip their members to give sacrificially.  In that light, here are some things that Alice and I have discovered about giving over the years: 

We believe the Bible assumes at least a tithe given to God’s work. I understand the arguments that the tithe is only an Old Testament obligation, but we believe in the New Testament obligation of giving of ourselves sacrificially.  For us, the tithe is the starting point. (Mark 10:21)

We genuinely believe that nothing we have is ours.
We’ve lived long enough to know that all the stuff we have can’t bring joy; and it can disappear at any time in a storm or the flames of a fire.  (Psalm 24:1)

We’ve learned that God never lets us down.
We began a six month experiment to tithe after we were married, and that step began a lifetime of giving tithes.  God has never let us down. Ever! (Joshua 1:5)

We budget well and spend wisely.
Some folks struggle giving to God’s work because they mishandle their income.  Alice and I budget, and spend little on ourselves (we don’t buy Christmas or birthday gifts for one another). (Luke 12:42-46)

Our local church is the primary recipient of our giving.
We do support other ministries, but our tithe always goes first to our local church.  It’s that body of believers whom we most closely serve with.  (Romans 12:13; 1 Timothy 5:17-18)

We know that our giving affects the world.
Through our church and our denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, our giving goes to missionaries around the world.  Our few dollars then have an eternal impact. (Philippians 4:16-18)

We seriously love giving.
Early in our marriage, giving sacrificially was harder simply because we had less to give and much debt.  I’m so grateful, though, for those early patterns God challenged us to develop.  Today, giving to support God’s work is one of our greatest joys. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Is there anything you might add to encourage other believers to give?

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