Friday, November 11, 2016

New Beginnings

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

While living in Alaska, the one thing I missed most was the four seasons.  Sadly, in Alaska, there are basically only two seasons, winter and preparing for winter.  So I was excited to move to a place like Oklahoma where the seasons changed, and in the fall the trees are painted in orange, reds, and yellows and then the leaves fall to the ground.  Then every spring the trees were reborn.

Here in America, “new” is a concept that we understand, but don’t always fully appreciate.  We have a very “throw-away” based society where if something is used once or twice, we get rid of it.  Everywhere you go in the US the landscape is dotted with Thrift shops and Second-hand stores.  Also, we have so much freedom and opportunity with work and beliefs, that we can start a “new” career whenever we want.  So, for many of us, a “new beginning” may not be as incredible as it is to some.

But real newness is deeper than that.  Every spring the air feels fresh with the new life giving rains, the trees come alive with new leaves, and everywhere you look there are signs of new life.  A new house, new car, new pet, and most amazing the new life of a child.  Even our “new” President ran on the idea of making America great again.  All of this emphasizes the idea of new beginnings.

In late 2010, and early 2011 I lost both my left and then my right leg.  Unlike some of you, I just have bad genes.  I struggled for a long time, thinking that everything was gone, that life as I knew it was over; the hunting, fishing, camping, and traveling.  I prayed and prayed that God would help me to make sense of it all, and even better, please get all these well-meaning people off my back. 

During the many long months, God continued to be with me.  I learned to be patient as I endured suffering.  At that time I was still living in a fog of drugs.  With the help of my God, and my loving wife, I was able to leave the morphine behind—it took three months of shaking and sweats, but the Lord gave me the strength to conquer the addiction.

Finally, both stumps healed, and for the most part the severe pain had receded.  Of course, the phantom pain is always with me in varying degrees; sharp, real, and permanent.  I’ve lost many nights of sleep.  But the Lord is good, and no matter how much “bad” happens God always gets us to where He wants us to be. 

God has been with me since the beginning.  And He still has a purpose for my life, as broken as it may be.  He used this situation to take away my independence, so that I would depend on Him alone, and in Him alone do I trust.  And every day I thank Him, as my wife Alice and I make every effort to live our lives in a way that would honor God.   

There is a battle we must constantly fight, between the old and the new, between ourselves and God.  I fight this battle and you fight this battle.  We need to remember that since we are all fighting, we can all help each other out.  My new and old self face different issues now than before, and I’m sure the same goes for you.

I pray that after reading this, today will be a New Beginning in your life.  A time for newness of life, of perspective, and refreshment of resolve.  Let us then dedicate ourselves to Him.  Let our new lives show new signs of His salvation and redemption! Today, let us remind ourselves that we don't walk this road alone, but together! As Christ is there for me, He will be there for you. And you and I can support each other as well.

Caterpillars go through a change.  They go through a beautiful transformation and become “brand new.  We can be a new creation in Jesus!  How?

To understand the new creation, first we must grasp that it is in fact a creation, something created by God.  John 1:13 tells us that this new birth was brought about by the will of God.  We did not inherit the new nature, nor did we decide to re-create ourselves, nor did God simply clean up our old nature; He created something entirely fresh and unique.  The new creation is completely new, brought about from nothing, just as the whole universe was created by God ex nihilo, from nothing.  Only the Creator could accomplish such an amazing act.

Second, “old things have passed away.”  The “old” refers to everything that is part of our old nature—natural pride, love of sin, reliance on works, and our former opinions, habits and passions.  Most significantly, what we loved has passed away, especially the supreme love of self and with it self-righteousness, self-promotion, and self-justification.  The new creature looks outwardly toward Christ instead of inwardly toward self.  The old things died, when Jesus was nailed to a cross with our sin nature.

The difference is that the new creation is no longer a slave to sin, as we once were.  We are now freed from sin and it no longer has power over us. (Romans 6:6-7)  Now we are empowered by and for righteousness. We now have the choice to let sin control us or to count ourselves “...dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 6:11-12)   Best of all, now we have the power to choose the latter.

The new creation is a wondrous thing, formed in the mind of God, and created by His power and for His glory.  The idea of a life with Jesus being brand new with a new beginning is simply astounding.  It wasn’t a rescue from the life that surrounded them, but it was a life filled with hope, purpose, and love.

For me, I had never really appreciated that idea until then.  There are many days when I even forget it.  But Jesus has made me brand new. He hasn’t just cleaned up the old me—He paid the price with His life and bought me with His blood.

Whatever your past has been like, or wherever you are right now, do you long for a new beginning?  Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you just can’t get things right?

Give your heart and life to Jesus.  Let him make you brand new.  Even if you are already a Christ follower, today you can make that commitment and resolution to walk in the new life Christ has given you.

Life with Christ is full of new hope, purpose, and love.  So, Let’s walk with Him in the days ahead!


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