Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Staying Continually Connected With God

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (John 15:5-6)

Standing in an airport terminal, I surveyed the scene outside the gates.  So many people, all waiting for the announcement that their plane was boarding.  As they waited, they were busy on their cell phones, computers, and iPods.  This technology has greatly increased our potential for productivity and allows us to be connected continually to what’s going on in the world. And to be endlessly distracted.

I couldn’t help but wonder, when is there ever time for quiet?  And what if we were that connected to God?  With busy schedules, demands of life, and the constant barrage of information coming at us, can God even get a word in edge-wise?  Of course he can, he’s God and nothing is too difficult for him! (See Genesis 18:14)  I have tried so hard throughout my life to stay focused on Him.  So often I say “this time I won’t fail,” but at one point or another something always clips me from behind, and keeps me from exceeding! Why?

Well, I think it has to do with what we allow things into our lives that can distract us from God.  Not all of these things are “bad” in their nature.  But it’s hard to hear what God is saying when we’re continuously on the go and in the know.  We’ve filled ourselves up, but with what?  You know the things I’m talking about.  They can be anything from a job, car, or movie, to fantasy football, Xbox Live, a magazine, or even church.  There are so many things in this world that fight for our time and when we allow them to take too much we lose our focus.  We need to remember it is God who is the source and who sustains our lives.  Though we know this, we often don’t live like we believe it’s true. The common practice is to fit God in where it’s convenient in our lifestyle and culture.  And when things get busy, He’s the first thing to go.

When it comes to our relationship with God, we often find ourselves saying, “I just haven’t had time to (fill in the blank).”  Could that be because we have ordered our lives with the wrong center?  When the Hebrew people were in the desert, God gave them a very clear picture of what was to be the center of their lives and culture.  He gave Moses instructions on how to build the tabernacle, where His presence would dwell among them.  The tabernacle was always to be at the center, both when camping and when moving. (See Numbers 1:52-2:31)  It was by God’s presence that He told them when to make camp and when to move on. (See Exodus 40:36-38)

It was also during this time that God showed Moses how to live according to His ways when He gave them the Torah (The Torah refers to the five books of Moses in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).  The Hebrew people knew God was the center and they knew how to walk in His teachings.  They were expected to have a lifestyle and culture where God was the center, and everything else had to fit in around that.  In this structure, their camp could host the presence of God.

They had God’s presence in their midst.  As believers in Messiah, we have God’s Spirit dwelling within us.  How much more are we to have a lifestyle and culture centered on God!   I’m convinced the more we center our lives and culture on God, the more room we will have to host a greater measure of His presence.  If He guided the Hebrew people, we can trust Him to guide us with His indwelling Spirit when we seek Him.  He has shown us the way and invites us to an intimate relationship where we can be connected continually to the source of life.

Making God the center of our lives won’t happen overnight.  It’s a process of growing in relationship and learning His ways, of saying yes to what He has placed on our heart.  It takes effort, but the prize is worth it all.  And what will it be like, when in the midst of the demands of life, we are continually tuned in to the Father, and staying fully connected to the divine love and wisdom of our Heavenly Father by wholeheartedly trusting in Him.  By praying, reading The Word, and following His deep and divine purpose for our lives we will stay rooted in Him.  Worship Him and surrender our days to Jesus Christ. Without Him we can do nothing, we are nothing.  Like a branch pruned from the vine, it will surely die.

It is a constant struggle to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and to not become distracted by the passing concerns and things of this world.  But if we are aware of what can, and does, interfere with our walks with God, we can begin to take the necessary actions to prevent them.

Remember, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

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